She looked sideways at the bare-limbed tree and said "Winter is my favorite season. There's so much life in death."
Time slips away
slides downward
falls beneath and never comes back
wrinkles around
without a sound
slips through your fingers
and wraps around your throat
You called after a years time
and suddenly you were everywhere
in the pomegranates at the supermarket
memories of you
float through
my head
your laughter and grace
all over the place
discord and harmony
in my soy latte
just like you were
when you left
full circle
Although by outward appearance I'm all smooth and silky, soft and supple, I'm scared on the inside. A million marks cut deep leaving behind scar tissue, rough and hard. Some have grown old and I can no longer feel when sharp nails graze over them. Others have never seemed to heal and at the slightest touch can open and bleed again. I wont show that. Those tears that well up, they stay well beneath the surface. Sometimes they come out in other ways, seemingly benign situations call to those emotions for release.
They are but days. Some are better than others.
Time slips away
slides downward
falls beneath and never comes back
wrinkles around
without a sound
slips through your fingers
and wraps around your throat
You called after a years time
and suddenly you were everywhere
in the pomegranates at the supermarket
memories of you
float through
my head
your laughter and grace
all over the place
discord and harmony
in my soy latte
just like you were
when you left
full circle
Although by outward appearance I'm all smooth and silky, soft and supple, I'm scared on the inside. A million marks cut deep leaving behind scar tissue, rough and hard. Some have grown old and I can no longer feel when sharp nails graze over them. Others have never seemed to heal and at the slightest touch can open and bleed again. I wont show that. Those tears that well up, they stay well beneath the surface. Sometimes they come out in other ways, seemingly benign situations call to those emotions for release.
They are but days. Some are better than others.