The book 'The Unbearable Lightness of Being' says "It had taken 6 chance happenings to push Tomas toward Tereza". In other words, 6 things went awry and put them at the same place at the same time. Happenstance. Serendipity.
6 is the lucky number and here's why...
1. The photography class was full. I was fifth on the waitlist. Class is at 7pm on Friday. The office closed at 1PM. I call at 12:40. Someone had just called to cancel ten minutes earler. They dont have time to go down the waitlist so they let me sign up.
2. On the way to class, I see an art installation called Wheel Questions. Its interesting and I decide to email the artist, Johnnny, and see if he needs a volunteer. I find out on his website that he also owns a data company and I know a programming language he needs help with. I have plans the weekend and we decide to meet on Monday.
3. On Saturday, my 10AM vet appointment goes till 12:30 even though it was suppose to be only an hour long and I dont get home till after 2PM. My plans for the day are messed up. I decide to nap and then go to Harvard Square at night and hear the street musicians.
4. The woman who needs a cat sitter cant find anyone with the key to her place, so I need to drive into Cambridge to get it, which will ruin my plan to go to Harvard Square. I try several times to reach people with a key in vain. On the way into town, I decide to try one more time and reach someone who can let me into her apartment.
5. I decide to call Johnny on the fly and see if he wants to meet up tonight instead at Harvard Square. He's home and availvable and agrees. We meet, have coffee, talk business, go for a walk and part ways.
6. I wander around the city. My feet hurt from new shoes and an unexpected walk so I look for a new pair. Then tt gets too late to go to the bookstore I always go to so I head back to my car. I guess you know what happens next...