Saturday, September 6, 2008

I wanted to take her with me

My friend came to get me late this afternoon and I held Simon for the ride to the hospital since she hates the carrier and was trying to fight her way out of it. She was pretty calm on my lap. I brought food with me and some treats and a bowl for water. She ate 1/2 a can of cat tuna and drank a ton of water and had some treats. The euthanasia part was REALLY quick. It was over before I knew it. I held her and didn't feel her spirit leave her body or anything like that. I wouldn't have realized she was gone if I didn't know.

I spent some time with her after. I wish I spent more time, but how much can you do with a dead cat? I groomed her a little because she was so scruffy looking from lack of grooming and all the meds that missed her mouth and ended up on her fur. I cut some fur to keep and a whisker. I held her and smelled her scent. I loved her scent. She never got sick enough to smell bad, that's usually whats happens to CRF cats when the toxins overtake their body. I'm glad she didn't have to go through that. I had a strong desire to take her home with me and it was most difficult to hand her over someone else to get her ready for cremation.

Simon had a good last day- we took a couple of naps together, she ate food she likes, drank cat milk, sat in the sun with me, and was put out of her suffering. I don't believe she was physically suffering, but she was no longer the Simon I had know for so many years, except that she held onto her feisty-ness till the end. That's a good thing.

After leaving the hospital, we went swimming at the Y. I did 44 much needed meditative laps

then sat in the hot tub and hung out till about 10. We went to Harvard square for some salads at the outdoor Au Bon Pain and enjoyed the cool breeze and people watching in the Square.

I'm sure it will hit me tomorrow or in a couple of days, but i wish it wouldn't because right now I feel really good and at peace with my decision and the way everything went. She will always be my Simon.