I was told today that I have a good attitude. I said thank you because Ive learned over the years how to accept a compliment. I added that I'm laid back and happy because that is what I assumed this person was referring too. When I got home, I thought about it some more and remembered how at one point in my life I was so negative and pessimistic and downright depressed. I feel grateful for who I am.
My life is so good today.
My biggest problem today was that my brand new sheets somehow got bleach stains at the laundromat and the owner refused to acknowledge that it was due to the machine and kept insisting that I somehow mysteriously got bleach on two sets of sheets. I explained that I don't use and have never used bleach. Then he went as far as to say that maybe there was bleach on them out of the package?! I was so upset. It took me weeks to finally find a good pair of sheets that are soft enough. These AND my only other set of other sheets that I like were both ruined and splotched with bleach stains. I considered insisting that he reimburse me the cost, but it was clear that he wasn't about to do this. He pulled the old "I don't know what to tell you" line that my father loves so much and has used repeatedly with me over the years, mostly when he doesn't want to take responsibility for something that he should be taking responsibility for. I was really bent out of shape for several minutes about this predicament. Then I decided to let it go- sort of. I think I still need to say my peace with the owner. I can't reasonably keep doing business with him when he had such a blatant disregard for the truth. (This is such a pet peeve of mine). I would have felt better had he said, "Yes, my machine ruined your sheets and no, I'm not going to take responsibility for it", but to act like it was somehow my fault?! That irks me beyond reason. So, this man pushed all my buttons today, at least the ones my father installed so long ago.