Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Anger rumbles deep from within the underbelly of my being
from the darkness of caves long since silent
Drum beats and cobwebs

Anger burns a bright blaze from sorrow’s womb
roars into a crackling rage setting me afire
Fingers of flames reach higher
Stars of embers fall with a hiss

Anger dives to the undercurrent of my soul
Rippling in waters yet unknown
swelling up into waves of fury
crashing down onto shores of glory

Anger vibrates from the backbone of grief
Echoing my inner world
Sounds of memories forgotten and sorrows never healed

I seek shelter in the forest of my spirit
dense and unprotected
I look for refuge from the wildness of my marrow

Again I shut down
Falling into the hollowness of my heart, a vacant wilderness

I plummet arms wide open
wind rushing past

I free-fall to the silky balloon softness of my essence